sara ziff height

sara ziff height. Sara Ziff amp; Ole Schell
  • Sara Ziff amp; Ole Schell

  • Sparky's
    Nov 2, 09:05 PM
    Not being to familiar with the console I've been using InCrease that works really fast and stays in the background. It even keeps running after I log out at the end of the day (at work) or night (at home) I just recently installed it on my new G5 X-serve (dual 2.3 ghz 520gb mirrored drives with 4gb RAM) and it's doing 50-60point GROMACs in about 7 to 8 hours each, well 2 at a time so I'm crunching about 100 points in 8 hours with it.

    You can get it here:

    And yes I'm catching you dreadnought I'm now at 143 and climbing fast:D

    sara ziff height. Ziff. Guerin. Ward. Muise.
  • Ziff. Guerin. Ward. Muise.

  • Gregg2
    May 1, 07:48 AM
    What are these files?

    What does Get Info tell you?

    sara ziff height. Sara Ziff|_DSC1077 _DSC1077
  • Sara Ziff|_DSC1077 _DSC1077

  • baryon
    Sep 21, 12:11 PM
    Didn't know you get credit in the Support Notes for reporting a bug :D time to start bug hunting...

    sara ziff height. Sara Ziff|Gen_Art-14 Gen_Art-14
  • Sara Ziff|Gen_Art-14 Gen_Art-14

  • mkrishnan
    Feb 23, 11:38 PM
    If you just type "cd New" then press Tab, it'll autocomplete the rest of the command for you.

    Learn something new everyday! :D But to clarify, you have to be in the volumes directory first, and it does actually have to start with "New" right? ;) But I did the same trick with another volume and it worked nicely. Very cool. :cool:


    sara ziff height. Sara Ziff|_DSC1051 _DSC1051
  • Sara Ziff|_DSC1051 _DSC1051

  • Taustin Powers
    May 18, 01:50 AM
    Hmm. Could be interesting. There are a lot of crap games on PSN though, so you never know how good your options will be every month. Really, I don't think I have bought 12 PSN games since launch... :rolleyes:

    sara ziff height. Sara Ziff|_DSC1093 _DSC1093
  • Sara Ziff|_DSC1093 _DSC1093

  • cube
    Sep 21, 09:24 AM
    I have never used a Samsung drive, nor do I know anybody who has. Do they actually make their own? Or do they get drives relabeled from another company?

    I have a P80. They make their own drives and have very nice tech. But they only make smaller drives with up to 2 platters (P120 has 125GB per platter).


    sara ziff height. Sara Ziff|_DSC1032 _DSC1032
  • Sara Ziff|_DSC1032 _DSC1032

  • exhibit.b
    Jun 18, 07:12 PM
    I will be. I didn't reserve one so I was a little nervous about what would be a good time to show up. I already have one being shipped tomorrow but I need to get another one. 4:30 or 5 sounds like a good time.

    sara ziff height. Sara Ziff|_DSC0987 _DSC0987
  • Sara Ziff|_DSC0987 _DSC0987

  • 87racer
    May 2, 02:21 PM
    Would moving the Finder preference file to your Desktop and starting help? If it's a Finder issue perhaps forcing Finder defaults may help?

    Quick question, how did you install Lion? I'm asking as some people installed it over Snow Leopard and are running into issues. You can install it fresh by burning the dmg in Lion(DP1 or 2, doesn't matter but DP2 will be best)/Contents/SharedSupport/InstallESD.dmg to DVD or USB:

    Creating a bootable OS X 10.7 Lion disc (Update: …and USB stick) (

    I booted up with a fresh SSD and installed fresh, and it fixed a lot of issues (such as not being able to delete any app's in Launchpad and some app's that were not working in DP2 update 2 work well).

    Hope this helps! I'm gonna post a thread with this info as well in case others want to know. :)

    I deleted it then killed finder in act mon then emptied my trash and restarted. still not enabled.

    One of my machines is a macbook air installed from snow leopard to an empty partition.
    My other machine is a hackintosh installed using the method you described with nothing migrated from any previous installation. I doesn't work on either of them.


    sara ziff height. Sara Ziff|_DSC0947 _DSC0947
  • Sara Ziff|_DSC0947 _DSC0947

  • Cybergypsy
    Feb 2, 07:20 PM
    I was suppose to trade this to another member, but the member Never ship his as agreed, I was able to have mine sent back to me, he just printed a label and never shipped...

    So I am looking to trade this phone for a unlocked 4G iphone, Must work on Tmoble, I have tons of refs here and sold over 100 items....

    Please PM me if you want to trade really need it ...I also do not use MP3 or videos so a 4G is great :)

    you will also get the 100.00 rebate....

    sara ziff height. Sara Ziff|_DSC0977 _DSC0977
  • Sara Ziff|_DSC0977 _DSC0977

  • joehandel
    Feb 9, 01:07 PM
    Well I've got iOS 4.2.1 on an iPod touch 4g, and I jailbroke it with the latest greenpoison jb so it didn't have to be tethered, and terminal just crashes right after I start it. When it was jailbroken tethered the terminal didn't work either; I'm guessing it's just not compatible with 4.2.1?

    Edit: I just checked what version and what repo it was from: it was Cydia/telesphoreo, version 364.1-10. I also noticed it was designed for iOS 3 so I just got rid of it. Where can I ge a iOS 4 compatible terminal?


    sara ziff height. Sara Ziff|_DSC1063 _DSC1063
  • Sara Ziff|_DSC1063 _DSC1063

  • iMpathetic
    Jan 12, 09:43 PM
    I think it is a positively scrumptious idea...

    sara ziff height. Sara Ziff|_DSC0998 _DSC0998
  • Sara Ziff|_DSC0998 _DSC0998

  • Ceebee1980
    May 6, 02:43 AM
    There are definitely some strong yet subtle speed boosts. Some of what I noticed:

    -Radeon 6750m screen tearing is gone.
    -Safari seems snappier. Not joking though. A lot faster.
    -Trackpad responsiveness is drastically increased in Safari and elsewhere. Before, I had issues where if I clicked on the bookmark bar, it wouldn't register the click sometimes. Very annoying. But now it seems to be fixed.
    -No ssd for me, but reboot times seem a bit faster.
    -Temps seem a hair lower too.


    sara ziff height. Sara Ziff|_DSC1057 _DSC1057
  • Sara Ziff|_DSC1057 _DSC1057

  • maflynn
    May 6, 08:30 AM
    You know there's already a couple of threads discussing the features of Lion, why create another?

    sara ziff height. Sara Ziff|_DSC0957 _DSC0957
  • Sara Ziff|_DSC0957 _DSC0957

  • Plumbstone
    Jan 18, 06:28 AM
    A Major factor in electronic music is the abilty to tweak your sounds in real time, otherwise your music will sound flat and linear, if you want it to develop and flow you need to tweak those synths...

    A mouse works ok but it is essential imo to have a few knobs and sliders. The novation remote series are great for this, but there are loads of others too, including the m-audio lot. KOrg have just brought out an all in one keboard/controller/drumpad unit. not sure what its called but looks good.


    sara ziff height. Sara Ziff|_DSC1023 _DSC1023
  • Sara Ziff|_DSC1023 _DSC1023

  • ReanimationLP
    Jan 23, 05:00 PM

    Where'd ya get the Xeons? They sound like some nice beasts.

    I'd love to have the Dual Processor one for my video crunching/gaming machine.

    sara ziff height. Sara Ziff|Gen_Art-13 Gen_Art-13
  • Sara Ziff|Gen_Art-13 Gen_Art-13

  • FireStar
    Oct 24, 07:49 PM
    ^ when claiming work as your own be sure to remove the copyright. :rolleyes:


    I changed it. Happy? :)


    sara ziff height. Sara Ziff|_DSC1067 _DSC1067
  • Sara Ziff|_DSC1067 _DSC1067

  • Jetson
    Jan 3, 02:37 PM
    I haven't have any problems burning AAC to CD.

    Here is a link to a discussion of AAC issues. Hopefully your answer is there (if you've not already seen this website).

    Good luck. (http://)

    sara ziff height. Sara Ziff|_DSC1086 _DSC1086
  • Sara Ziff|_DSC1086 _DSC1086

  • systole
    Mar 26, 08:19 PM
    I have been using screen in the osx terminal to get serial access, using the following:

    screen telnet /dev/tty.usbserial

    Unfortunately I can't scrollback in screen, which makes copying long config files a process of :apple:-C, :apple:-V, and repeat. Any suggestions for native serial support in the osx terminal app WITH scrollback?

    sara ziff height. The third installment of Sara Ziff#39;s documentary on the modeling industry. A Picture of Me Without You. A Picture of Me Without You. 3:31. Lorrie Morgan.
  • The third installment of Sara Ziff#39;s documentary on the modeling industry. A Picture of Me Without You. A Picture of Me Without You. 3:31. Lorrie Morgan.

  • blevins321
    May 5, 01:56 PM
    If you would like to make a reasonable investment, a NAS might be your best bet. I have a Synology DS411J that I wrote a review about HERE ( You can throw up to 4 SATA desktop drives into it. As long as you have more than one, your data will be protected automatically from one drive failure. The software on board also can automatically backup your data to one or more external USB drives. My setup is 4x2TB Western Digital Green drives in one of these along with a 2TB USB external drive that is used for a 3-times-weekly nightly backup. I have a couple thousand Aperture RAW files along with nearly 1TB of movies. It works flawlessly for everything. Plus it has automatic Time Machine support that works surprisingly well over wireless.

    Mar 31, 01:42 PM
    In my experience Maddow and Cooper are at least tolerable.

    Of the names listed in the thread, Cooper's probably my pick for the best. Maddow doesn't even attempt to stay neutral. I was watching her coverage when Scott Walker won in Mass; she sounded like she'd just come from her best friend's funeral.

    Feb 29, 04:46 PM
    i'll take the flawed one. im sending money now

    Apr 26, 07:08 PM
    If its video editing for after, with a mind to move towards after effects.

    While the CPU is important to this, Really you should look more at the RAM your going to use and how much (lots is the answer), and IMO the most important thing, the GPU.

    In a windows i7 machine, I run 16GB of DDR3 1600MHz ram, and use a PNY Nvidia Quadro FX card. (the 4800 if your interested)

    This made the biggest difference to the editing suite. The difference between gaming cards and professional editing cards is immense. The pro cards do things like effects on the fly, and rendering on the fly, and these are the bits that really make multiple layers of 1080p possible. And I have a friend who runs the 3800 in his, and again this works fantastically.

    And as well as the GPU you can start to look at addional cards, we've been using the matrox CompressHD card for a while. And absolutely love it.

    Also you should look at hard drive arrays. An SSD for the boot drive and to run the programs from. Then a scratch drive, for after effects, plus a media storage drive, plus a project drive, plus a backup drive. (which if you stick the SSD in the second optical drive bay it all just abouts fits)

    But yeah, the other point to note out is that a good few of the plug-ins that we use for Adobe Premiere and after effects are only single processor enabled. so 20 cores at 2.2Ghz isnt going to be as fast as 2 cores at 3.5Ghz. (for those effects at least)

    Video effects, and especially at 1080p are going to be huge, and really test out a system.

    Jun 18, 08:32 PM
    park on the 4th floor. enter the garage from joppa rd. if there's a line, this is probably where it is.

    Feb 8, 09:31 AM
    He died from a wound to his right calf?-- that a chicken inflicted?-- in two hours?

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