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  • h1r0ll3r
    Apr 7, 12:01 PM
    DO Want :D

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  • iGary
    Sep 24, 06:54 PM
    At this point I would tell him to just be safe and promise to use a condom.

    You may not be happy with it but in the end he is going to go through with it anyway. Just telling him to be safe is the best you can do at this point.

    If she was sleeping at your place I would to what my parents told us when I was living there. They said you can sleep together but please try not to have sex. Even though they both knew we were sexually active. We still did every once in a while but seldom and kept it very low key as to "not get caught".

    Later when I was older I asked them about it and told them we did (this is years later and my parents are really cool). They told me the figured we would anyway. They just said it so that we wouldn't make it obvious. I believe their words contained the phrase "ignorance is bliss".


    I was thirty and I bought over my now "husband" to my folks house and we slept in the same room. No sex, mind you, we were respectful of their home, but they did, of couse freak out after we left.


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  • Chundles
    Oct 18, 01:37 PM

    Just a really dodgy 2 second job.

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  • MaxBurn
    May 3, 04:57 PM


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  • 840quadra
    Sep 30, 11:31 AM
    If only their hardware people had felt that way... :(

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  • Super20
    Dec 17, 02:34 PM
    lowered price $2! SOmeone has to want this thing. That's $10 shipped!


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  • rnelan7
    Dec 25, 11:22 AM
    PS3 slim and a Shady McCoy jersey amongst other little things.

    Merry Christmas everyone!

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  • Jacobaduh
    Feb 11, 10:47 PM
    Alright so I jailbroke my iPod touch 3rd gen with 4.2.1 using Redsn0w, and installed cydia just fine, however while using cydia the iPod shut off unexpectedly, now as I'm trying to "Just boot tethered right now" the jailbreak gets stuck on "exploiting with limera1n". Help please?


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  • twoodcc
    Mar 9, 10:03 PM
    Wow just completed my first bigadv for an unbelievable 70,046 points. I can't even run fah all the time either, otherwise it would have been even higher (it causes a rubber banding effect in some games where they battle for cpu cycles).

    nice! what speed are you running at now? still 4.4 ghz?

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  • me too cause I don#39;t have to carry a bunch of cartridges, they#39;re already loaded in). no makeup adriana lima. Adriana Lima No Makeup - Page

  • Sydde
    Mar 19, 12:15 AM
    That's horrible. Definitely not death penalty material. Actually, it's not even life in prison material.
    Why not? We have been told that his actions may have endangered or caused the deaths of important operatives. If that is the case, why should it not be a capital crime?


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  • 124151155
    Apr 25, 02:51 AM
    Ugh, I'm glad I gave up on Apple and got an HTC... I was waiting out for the white iPhone 4 and it just never came. 10 months after the launch and I don't think I want one at all now.

    I'll get a white iPhone 5... if it doesn't come out on day 1 in white, I won't get one at all, I don't want to be left waiting again.

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  • simsaladimbamba
    Apr 12, 07:24 PM
    Been there since July 2009. Still some hours to go.


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  • satcomer
    Apr 6, 07:57 AM
    Then when you use an email Server use IMAP ( instead of POP ( and keep your email on the server (until that server goes away).

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  • PhilSandifer
    Nov 20, 01:56 PM
    This is not at all strange to anyone who knows the basic business model of TJ Maxx. They buy odd overstock lots of goods, mostly clothes, so they can sell them at a deep discount.

    With the rollout of the iPad to numerous new retailers, there were, by extension, numerous opportunities for someone to get overstock. Perhaps Verizon mis-estimated the popularity of the iPad bundled with the My-Fi. Perhaps Target guessed that people would prefer the 16 GB version when in fact the 32 and 64 were more popular. Perhaps someone simply needed to reduce orders to solve a cash flow problem.

    In any case, once this happened, TJ Maxx did what they exist to do - stepped in and offered to buy the overstock at a discount so they could sell up. There's no controversy or mystery here - it's just that TJ Maxx managed to land a particularly good lot of stock.

    (To clarify, I suspect that whatever retailer sold their stock to TJ Maxx did so at a loss. Did this violate their agreement with Apple? I'd be surprised if it did - there's surely a clause in most of the MAP contracts to deal with clearance/closeout pricing. Indeed, Amazon routinely undersells MAP - the only rule is they can't advertise those prices, so they require you to put the item in the cart to view the price. I assume that whatever retailer sold off their stock did not advertise, and instead contacted TJ Maxx, who I imagine they're used to doing business with, and came to an agreement to liquidate inventory.)


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  • musukosan
    Apr 6, 01:41 PM
    I found this while on the wki page...coolest website ever. Ha ha ha! You can even order a personalized autographed CD of his! Poor Brent, things are that bad:(

    Wow... and the "Latest News" is from 2009!

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  • toddybody
    Mar 23, 02:28 PM
    Fail :)

    Why hate on w7 so much? It's actually a great OS IMO. For the record, ive seen just as many spinning color wheels as i have perpetual sand glasses:p Stay well friend!


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  • Sydde
    Mar 4, 01:22 AM
    Why reform income tax? Get rid of it. Institute a federal property tax (not just real estate) with a moderate cut off (like, say, the first $60K). You can obscure income with all manner of accounting tricks, stuff is much harder to hide.

    Yes, it would be a logistical nightmare to get implemented, but once in place it would be much simpler (not that simple means fair, necessarily), and we would be back to the original intent of the constitution.

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  • maclaptop
    Apr 27, 06:10 PM
    In the full interview, Jobs discusses why it took Apple nearly a week to respond to the issue, noting that the company needed to take the time to investigate the situation and figure out how best to relate the information to the public.

    What a load of crap, they've always tracked users, as have all the other makers. This is not unique to Apple, nor is it unique to any smartphone brand or model.

    The only surprise would be to those who do not read the EULA.

    You bought it, you signed for it, you had a chance to read the EULA.

    If you failed to, because "it was too long and complicated" sorry but that's on you.


    I could give a flip, it's part of the connected web experience of my daily life. I don't have anything to hide and even if I did, there's no hiding anything these days anyway.

    Anyone thinking differently, is either going to one hell of a lot of trouble to hide, or is simply in denial.

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  • jwdsail
    Dec 1, 08:54 AM
    Not when there are plenty of people who don't know/don't care about such restrictions. You may refuse to do business with the studios due to their draconian rights management, but all the higher end services are covered with them. The result is you're one of the lowest spending consumers on the entertainment industry's radar.

    The sad fact is, you don't want to play ball and they could care less when you're in the minority.

    Do you ever wonder why you cable company doesn't offer any special limited time rates on basic cable service?

    But I'm *NOT* one of the lowest spending customers... I'm constantly buying DVDs from Amazon... I don't have room for the DVDs I have as it is... My cable bill makes me want to puke.. I'd hold my entertainment spending up against any on this forum..

    I'm refusing to buy the latest CRAP-laden disks, possible-broadcast flag-filled broadcasts, and downloads they're trying to shove down our throats in the future... I'm saying if they want to keep my future business at anywhere near my current rates, they better make the future DRM/Crap/etc more like what we have now, or they will loose sales..

    How can that NOT be on their RADAR?



    Nov 4, 08:21 AM
    Since I just got my new PMG5 yesterday, what is a good program (free or otherwise) for making backups of DVD's (legally of course)? I have quite a collection and ones that I use a lot I want to make an extra copy of. I am looking for a program that will allow me to make an exact copy of the DVD, as if I were playing my original copy.

    Side Note: Since my new PM has a 8x Superdrive, do I NEED to use the 8x Apple DVD-R's, or can I use a different brand (or speed)? I remember back when I used to use faster CDR's they didn't always work this still true? Thanks!

    Apr 5, 02:11 PM
    While it is true that people can put themselves at a higher risk through certain activities, for a politician to blame a young girl for her own rape is absolutely disgusting. It's also nauseating and ignorant for politicians to suggest modest dress as a way to prevent rape. Such thinking is completely backward.

    She clearly coerced the men into raping her. They are the real victims here.

    Sep 27, 09:21 AM
    I think some people here think this is suddenly going to allow us to drag an image from our desktop to the .Mac mail page, and attach it to a new message. That isn't what they are describing as "drag and drop". They are talking about moving messages around in the web browser window.

    I feared as much, still being able to select multiple files in one time to attach would be enough for me, or just wait to upload until you are done

    Oct 14, 03:31 AM
    mine currently

    I would have loved this 3 years ago when I worked. But now that I'm retired that's MY LIFE.:D

    Sep 3, 01:16 PM
    ...insufficient to fit 1920x1200 screen...

    Thanks by the way... ;)
    Here ya go.

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