keira knightley vs natalie portman

keira knightley vs natalie portman. keira knightley vs natalie
  • keira knightley vs natalie

  • cube
    Apr 23, 10:28 AM
    OpenCL was designed so software could use the processing power of the graphics card/chip to aid the CPU to perform calculations in a way that is not dependent on sending the results to video. In gaming, however, the CPU is enough to run the back-end of the game and the GPU is mainly used to display the image rather than help the CPU in processing the game's engine. Hence OpenCL should not make that much different (perhaps a few FPS but not so much as to make the 3000 better than the 320).

    Is OpenCL akin to NVIDIA's PhysX as well as their CUDA? If so then perhaps it can help with the physics engines in some high end games (GTA IV etc comes to mind) I guess?

    The 320M has OpenCL. CUDA is assembler-like, while OpenCL is C-like. They are general purpose compute engines. It's not just about games.

    Intel does not have real OpenCL yet.

    keira knightley vs natalie portman. Natalie Portman vs. Keira
  • Natalie Portman vs. Keira

  • dmula
    Apr 1, 10:24 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/532.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Mobile/8A293 Safari/6531.22.7)

    TWC is the worst service I ever subscribed... EVER. When changing channels I constantly see 'Please wait...' on the black screen and the whole thing is so slow.
    App for a change works great.

    keira knightley vs natalie portman. Star Wars Keira Knightley And
  • Star Wars Keira Knightley And

  • Nermal
    Nov 2, 11:20 PM
    Sometimes, copy protection depends on the drive you're using. Some drives will successfully read some copy protected CDs, while others won't. Anyway, the only suggestion I have is Preferences -> Importing -> Use Error Correction.

    keira knightley vs natalie portman. 1: Keira Knightley and Natalie
  • 1: Keira Knightley and Natalie

  • JAT
    Apr 13, 02:18 PM
    If you have nothing setup it will use DHCP to get your DNS from whatever device is providing you your IP address. For most people this would be a DSL or cable modem which is passing the DNS servers from their ISP.

    So not setting it up is not an issue, unless your ISPs DNS servers suck.
    Frequently, I find the modem also has nothing set. Changing to any known DNS server speeds things up. You probably already did this years ago, you are a geek, no?
    But how do you know if it sucks? How do you know if Google's DNS servers are actually an improvment for you? You can't know until you test. There are several DNS test utilities you can download that will measure this for you and tell you. I highly suggest people not assume that using Google's DNS servers is always best. For some people it will actually perform worse. Test to know for sure.
    I agree, I never said anything about Google DNS or to not include some thought in the process. What I said is most people have a mess that should be addressed. Whenever I see, "internet is slow", I think, "check your DNS".


    keira knightley vs natalie portman. keira knightley vs natalie
  • keira knightley vs natalie

  • sn00p
    Nov 10, 02:27 PM
    RFID in passports is kind of another ball of wax. One of the issues with so-called e-Passports is that they store all of the information on the RFID tag (i.e. your personal information) rather than just a reference number to a database. This is so you don't have different countries accessing other countries' databases. However, the level of encryption used on these passports is very weak, so all of that data on the tag is potentially vulnerable.

    It is generally considered best practice to put only reference numbers to a database on RFID tags. That way if you skim the tag all you have is jibberish without the accompanying database info.

    Don't blame the technology... blame the incorrect use of the technology. I don't see how the above examples of Apple's potential usage could be a serious privacy threat like the passports are.

    E-Passports are however resilient to casual scanning (i.e the bad guy standing behind you in the queue) because you need to know personal details about the passport holder in order to generate the access key (this information is physically written inside the passport and the reader uses OCR to read it and then generate the key to access the electronic information).

    There have been many unfounded stories about E-Passports, mainly by scaremongering newspapers who find the dumbest "security export" money can buy.

    Yes you can duplicate the electronic portion of an E-passport with the right equipment, but what you cannot do is change this original information to create a fake passport that will pass validation, the data is signed using public key cryptography and the private keys are exactly that, private.

    Providing that the authorities validate e-passport data with the authentic public keys, there is no problem and no security hole.

    keira knightley vs natalie portman. CANDIDATE #2: Natalie Portman
  • CANDIDATE #2: Natalie Portman

  • inkswamp
    Mar 26, 08:00 PM
    2) Who paid for the coffee? :D

    Eric: Wow, Steve. Thanks for buying coffee. What is this?

    Steve: It's a magical blend of coffee and flavorings that I special order. It's my own idea. Taste it.

    Eric: Delicious! This is your idea? No kidding? It's amazing!

    Steve: I'm glad you like it.

    Eric: Someone could make a lot of money selling this.

    Steve: We're going to start selling it in the Apple Stores next month.

    Eric: Really? What's in it?

    Steve: Well, here, Eric. I can trust you. I'll write the list of the ingredients down for you.

    Eric: Oh good.

    Steve: And Eric?

    Eric: Yes, Steve.

    Steve: If Google introduces their own special coffee blend next month, I'll chop your _____ off.

    Eric: Um...

    Steve: I'm serious. Snip! Snip! Gone.

    Eric: Uh... okay, then... um, never mind the list. Thanks anyway.


    keira knightley vs natalie portman. keira knightley vs natalie
  • keira knightley vs natalie

  • anti-microsoft
    Mar 23, 01:15 PM
    It's the obvious way forward. Don't be tight and implement that ****!


    keira knightley vs natalie portman. keira knightley vs natalie portman. natalie portman and keira
  • keira knightley vs natalie portman. natalie portman and keira

  • NamJangNamJa
    Nov 14, 12:15 PM
    What is a Zune? :D :eek:

    I don't know, either. :D :eek:


    keira knightley vs natalie portman. Black Swan actress Natalie
  • Black Swan actress Natalie

  • mrsir2009
    Apr 28, 10:51 PM
    seriously just shut ur pretty faces with the tired backlit keyboard anthem. this is like the least desirable feature esp since it has a direct impact on battery life.

    You know if you were that worried about your precious battery life you could turn the keyboard lighting off.

    keira knightley vs natalie portman. keira knightley vs natalie
  • keira knightley vs natalie

  • morespce54
    Oct 26, 02:11 PM
    I miss Sound Edit 16.
    I used that app so much in the old days... way before Macromedia and Adobe got into the game. :rolleyes:


    keira knightley vs natalie portman. keira knightley vs natalie
  • keira knightley vs natalie

  • Spanky Deluxe
    Oct 27, 11:49 AM
    Following on from this story, apparently FoxConn will be supplying Apple with 15.4" MacBooks/MacBook Pros in May 2007.


    keira knightley vs natalie portman. keira knightley vs natalie
  • keira knightley vs natalie

  • 4JNA
    Apr 17, 11:58 PM
    Ultimately where does all this research go? Who is benefitting from it all? I can't help but think that all this research will just enable some multi-billion dollar drug company to come up with some pill that they can patent and make billions of more dollars. I tried reading the faqs of Folding@home, but it does not really say where all this research is going. I am sure the scientists mean well with their research, but ultimately they will not be the ones creating the drugs to cure these diseases. Drug companies will be doing that, and they are strictly profit oriented.

    per the FAQ on the F@H page...

    Who "owns" the results? What will happen to them?

    "Unlike other distributed computing projects, Folding@home is run by an academic institution (specifically the Pande Group, at Stanford University's - Chemistry Department), which is a nonprofit institution dedicated to science research and education. We will not sell the data or make any money off of it.

    Moreover, we will make the data available for others to use. In particular, the results from Folding@home will be made available on several levels. Most importantly, analysis of the simulations will be submitted to scientific journals for publication, and these journal articles will be posted on the web page after publication. Next, after publication of these scientific articles that analyze the data, the raw data of the folding runs will be available for everyone, including other researchers, here on this web site."

    it's open source science. everyone participates, everyone wins.

    2) My electricity prices are going up by about 10% so I really don't like the idea of my iMac running 24-7 eating up electricity, and adding to the wear and tear of my system. I'm not sure what the monthly cost would be running Folding@home, but I'm sure it adds up.

    the cost of gasoline is up also, but i still drive my paper/plastic/glass to the city recycle point to keep it out of a landfill. i guess i don't get the point of the question. if you can afford the small increase in cost due to additional electrical usage, then fold. if not, don't.

    no idea which system you have, but a quick guesstimate of a current imac running folding with the screen set to turn off when not being used would be around 100-120w, so like leaving a light bulb on. well, an old school incandescent bulb... you do have all LED and CFLs since you worry about electric rates, right?

    if i had only an imac and a desire to fold, i'd leave the imac alone and build a cheap pc system to fold with. no wear and tear, better results, lower cost. just my 2 cents.


    keira knightley vs natalie portman. Star Wars Natalie Portman
  • Star Wars Natalie Portman

  • GilGrissom
    Oct 26, 06:29 PM
    Gutted I didn't get a free T-Shirt, they were all sold out when I got in. I arrived earlier than expected, pretty much bang on 6. An Apple Store employee came out and told us we were queuing in the wrong bit, it was at that point everyone realized the queue went round the entire block!

    Installing Leopard as we speak, only just got in, spent all night at the Studio talking! (Apologies to the friendly Apple employees my friend and I were talking to all night propping up the bar!).

    Dam tubes getting slower at night time!

    Was quite interesting seeing the diversity, I enjoyed it, just wish I had a T-shirt.

    keira knightley vs natalie portman. Natalie Portman, Keira
  • Natalie Portman, Keira

  • Stridder44
    Oct 10, 09:37 AM
    You know, today is tuesday.... :D


    keira knightley vs natalie portman. keira knightley vs natalie portman. Keira Knightley can do it. Keira Knightley can do it. vincenz. Mar 17, 05:55 PM
  • keira knightley vs natalie portman. Keira Knightley can do it. Keira Knightley can do it. vincenz. Mar 17, 05:55 PM

  • Kapangas
    May 2, 03:06 PM
    I think that no other company has their products come under more scrutiny than Apple. It is amazing. When folks say how the media just falls over Apple and praises them constantly -- it cracks me up. The media is just itching for bad news on Apple, and they are looking in every possible place to find it.

    What shocks me is the level of forgiveness that competing tablets against the iPad are getting. Apple is so dominating the tablet-computing sector right now, that the media is just hoping for a contender. Motorola and RIM have both released "Beta Hardware (" to the public and many reviewers are being soft on RIM with even more being soft on Motorola. If Apple released such a product they would get blasted in the media with nobody offering forgiveness.

    Case and point... Mossberg on the iPad 2:

    Keep in mind that Apple advertises 10 hours and Mossberg got better than that with the brightness setting 25% higher than Apple's default setting. Yet he had to reach to find something to complain about (e.g.: his iPad 1 test unit just happened to have extraordinary battery life -- keep in mind that most reviewers of iPad 2 got better battery life than iPad 1).

    Gruber criticizes Mossberg even more in a post called "Bending Over Backwards" ( Some of Gruber's points are arguable, but I think he is dead-on in many regards, especially his final quote:

    Apple, however, does not get to enjoy the luxury of forgiveness that the media affords to those who are not the market leader. The fact that folks are trying to quantify a thickness difference of 0.2 mm on some units, completely amazes me. I'm sure its within manufacturing specifications and I'm sure that not every single Black iPhone 4 is the same thickness, and yet it is news.

    You are my hero :)

    keira knightley vs natalie portman. PORTMAN REPLACES JOLIE FOR

  • RawBert
    Feb 19, 05:19 PM


    keira knightley vs natalie portman. Blake Lively, Natalie Portman
  • Blake Lively, Natalie Portman

  • JDOG_
    Oct 26, 01:34 PM
    Hah, Adobe being committed to x86 Macs. If they meant it we would have had a universal binary update to Creative Suite 2 a lonnng time ago. :rolleyes:

    keira knightley vs natalie portman. keira knightley vs natalie portman. Keira Knightley and Natalie; Keira Knightley and Natalie. Bloodstar. Apr 11, 01:01 PM. Old chair from my college for $3.
  • keira knightley vs natalie portman. Keira Knightley and Natalie; Keira Knightley and Natalie. Bloodstar. Apr 11, 01:01 PM. Old chair from my college for $3.

  • lucifiel
    Nov 17, 09:36 PM
    That $130k will all go to the lawyers, even if he is able to establish that he has a legal "right" to sell those parts, and I think that'll be a challenge.

    Shame the teenager isn't in Australia or England where the loser pays the winner's legal costs.

    keira knightley vs natalie portman. Natalie Portman vs Keira
  • Natalie Portman vs Keira

  • dernhelm
    Apr 5, 11:30 AM
    What about leak gate? Didn't they test light leakage in a completely dark room with a photosensor?

    OMG - CR is so lame...

    yes - this is sarcasm

    Sep 25, 11:18 AM
    So when's the next Apple Event?

    Apr 5, 08:47 AM
    If I would leak something, I would make sure the device is clean, the camera is in focus and there is enough light.

    Why are leaked images (almost) always such bad quality?

    Jun 1, 10:03 AM
    I've edited the original post. I've changed "Mac Software" to just "Software". Making it more of a hybrid of the previous options.

    Sep 1, 11:17 AM
    I don't remember... Is Core Animation based on OpenGL? The would be information under NDA still.

    Dec 22, 03:17 PM
    I don't follow Pop Factor, couldn't even name any previous winners.

    Have you really not heard of Leona Lewis? I'm always suspicious of people who wear this kind of statement as a badge of pride...

    people are computers


    if people are constantly being told that this music, is the new thing, then sooner or later they will buy it. rather then making music a personal choice, they buy what ever is on radio.

    I take your point, but it's not necessarily a bad thing for humanity that we share common tastes and interests.

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