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  • sundarpn
    07-19 11:10 PM
    have the same q. I was told not to change till EAD comes. But with this flood gate open that could take long.

    I don't want to be stuck to the same apartment!! This 495/GC crap is affecting even basic decisions!

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  • pappu
    06-09 10:28 AM
    My $50 (3626-8870-3772-9306) for this effort.

    Thank you everyone for the contributions. While have still not met our target, we need to continue this funding drive for some time. We have to pay several outstanding bills associated with this event. It can only be done if all members contribute. Now that the event is over you can see the work we have done, see the photos and hear from others that came to DC how successful it was.

    Let us push this thread and keep it on top.

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  • mohitb272
    10-22 04:03 PM
    My friend also got her checks encashed last friday...thanks for replying everyone :)

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  • svgupta
    06-15 03:40 PM
    Yes.. Leave it blank.. Even my attorney said so...


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  • kc_p21
    05-11 09:52 PM
    Thanks for taking time and calling NPR.

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  • shsk
    07-20 08:57 PM
    I checked with my attorney, they advised better not to change address until EAD is received.
    If it is emergency then address can be changed but with this confusion and emergency filing it adds to some more confusion :confused:


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  • jagan13
    02-24 12:24 PM
    Got response from the embassy stating that the passport has been processed but, not clear if they already dispatched it. Looks like they are still keeping up with the 40 day turnaround time.

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  • Lollerskater
    04-23 11:46 AM
    I have a filing date of July 2nd 2007. My RD? A fantastic Oct 21 2007. That's 3 and a half months, more than a quarter year away.

    I filed at NSC, my case ended up in TSC.

    Nothing much makes sense, nowadays. :confused:


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  • s416504
    12-03 03:02 PM
    Does anyone knows if Person eligible for AC21 porting is eligible for unemployment benefit?

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  • pappu
    08-14 02:29 PM
    Congratulations my cuban friends!

    You no longer have to wait in this friggin' green card line

    Perhaps the most important measure is the decision to parole into the United States thousands more Cubans with close relatives here, thus reducing a backlog in family-based immigrant visas. While Homeland Security did not say how big the backlog is, it's said to be in the thousands.
    This is wierd.
    so they can change laws for cubans without getting it passed in house and senate. President can just sign a law on his own??
    Wow, this goes to show how powerful the cuban lobby is!!

    With all respect to all cubans, this is only directed to the political machinery and its bias than individuals from Cuba--
    Cubans are more important to the country than high skilled best and the brightest immigrants who have been waiting in line!!!!
    or for that matter cubans are more important than N Koreans, Vietnameese etc from communist countries!!
    or cubans are more important than people from other latin american countries who are also trying to immigrate to usa!!


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  • cybercat076
    05-15 11:23 AM
    USCIS seems to be just requesting EVL for all pending applications. I also got mine recently though I did not change any company. It is better to send it from your current employer.

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  • mihird
    07-11 03:30 PM

    The button below the article lets you send emails to Bush and Cheney...


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  • RNGC
    04-08 09:38 PM
    As per INA 202, many of you know that for employment based immigration, the limit is 7% of 140k per country, if there are unused visas from family based or from previous years, USCIS should try to use them, which is not happenning....

    see a detailed notes on INA 202 here...
    (search for gclong1)

    I am trying to understand why the 7% was set ? When the law was signed. Things have drastically changed, more skilled people are coming to US from India, shouldn't the law be changed ? I think we should start pushing for more employment based visas, double it to 300k. The 7% formula has to be revisited.

    Is 7% per country is fair ?
    Legal Immigrant Source Source:

    (More reports here...(

    Population Source:

    Cuba: ( BTW, Cuba is just taken as a example just to explain the math)
    Total Population = 11,000,000 (11 Million)
    Total Population Percent = 0.17 %
    Legal Immigrants from Cuba to USA in 2006 = 45,614
    Percent of Legal Immigrants from Cuba to USA compared with their population in 2006 = 0.4146 %
    [(45614.0/11000000.0)*100.0 = 0.4146]

    Total Population = 1,131,264,000 (1.1 Billion)
    Total Population Percent = 17 %
    Legal Immigrants from India to USA in 2006= 61,369
    Percent of Legal Immigrants from India to USA compared with their population in 2006 = 0.0054
    [(61369.0/1131264000)*100.0 = 0.0054]

    Cuba has a 0.4146 Legal Immigrants in US per 100 of their population
    India has 0.0054 Legal Immigrants in US per 100 of their population

    What is the difference in percent ?
    (0.4146 - 0.0054)*100.0 = 40.92 % difference!!!!

    India constitute 17% of world population, Cuba constitute .17 % of world population, so if we go by a country's population in deciding the % of EB visas it gets...
    (17.0/100.0) * 140000.0 = 23,800 EB visas ?
    (0.17/100.0) * 140000.0 = 238 EB visas ?

    Soon, USA will be Chindia!

    I am not arguing that we should follow the above formula either, just like how India and Cuba both have 7% limit, which does not make sense, the above math also does not make sense....

    My argument is 7% per country limit for all countries, for a small country with 1 Million population and a big country with 1 B population does not make sense.

    So, two issues need to dealt with for long term solution.
    1. 140k EB visas to be increased to 300k
    2. 7% per country needs to be changed (not sure what should be the criteria)

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  • new_horizon
    08-27 09:30 AM
    Thanks guys for response...
    so basically in short....
    I can aply for visitors visa an visit cananda while my PR is in proceess right..??

    You can visit Canada when your PR is pending, provided you have a valid visitor visa. They'll issue you a visitor visa even though your PR App is pending.
    However once your PR app. is approved, you can only apply for a immigrant visa, and get into Canada as a Landed immigrant. From posts from another thread what I understand is you can return to US soon after you land in Canada as a Landed immigrant. Hope this clarifies.


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  • visa_reval
    12-12 11:41 AM
    couldnt upload the pdf. Here's what you can do.

    1. Airport error. If an error on an I-94 was made by an immigration officer at the airport, upon the alien�s arrival in the United States, she may go to any deferred inspection site or to any port of entry to have the document corrected. These posts are controlled by Customs and Border Protection (CBP). The alien does not have to return to the same airport where the error originated.
    It is a better policy to try the nearest deferred inspection site first because these are usually more accessible than ports of entry. A list of deferred inspection sites, with hours of operation and telephone numbers, is provided on pages 5 - 8 of this RAPID Answers. A list of ports of entry is available on the website of Customs and Border Protection (CBP) at Click on �Ports�. The alien or her representative should always telephone ahead to make arrangements. Some CBP offices at ports of entry may be inaccessible to walk-ins.

    Check with the nearest international airport to see if you can do a deferred inspection. Or else, they could point to an airport which can.

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  • Munna Bhai
    05-08 10:31 AM

    Atleast home countries recognize our potential.


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  • raju_abc
    07-22 11:45 AM
    Hi Thanks for your inputs.

    But both the employers are consultant.
    One is in Fremont CA and other in Pittsburg. Both are offering almost same salary.
    So which should be an better option, if they have a similar better client list?

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  • himu73
    07-07 10:12 PM
    Vinay has just began living life. He has begun his career as a doctor in Boston and was recently married to Rashmi. But his dreams for the future have been out on hold. Vinay, 28 years old, is diagnosed with AMI (Acute Myeloid Leukemia).
    Please visit for information how you can help if found a match for bone marrow.
    Registration is very simple and we have lot of drives going on right now.

    Please visit this site since he needs to a match with a south asian and has very less time on hand.

    I know this post is out of context but please dont remove till July 09 which the deadline to get him the match.

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  • getrdone
    01-16 05:19 PM
    One more thing before you draft a letter take a look at the job description/qualification/experience required which is filed along with the
    labor certificate.

    if possible get those "experience required " in the experience letter from
    prvious employer to show that you had those experiences before you joined.

    Cheers !

    I received a RFE on experience letters (EB3). I have searched everywhere but haven't found the format for a winning experience letter.

    Can someone with an approved 140 please paste a format of the experience letter on this thread?


    05-15 05:04 PM
    To Bindas74,

    Did the e-file process ask you to pay the biometric fee? I ask because my attorney informed me this afternoon that I do not need to pay a biometric fee, or send in a G-325A form, when sending in my EAD/AP renewal. Do please let me know if this is not the case.

    On the Advance Parole justification, I would put in a note stating that I maintain close ties with my family in <country here> and travel frequently to see them. Additionally, state that you wish to travel abroad on vacation on multiple occasions through the year, and request them to grant you an Advance Parole for these reasons. This document request seems to be in lieu of the covering letter that's usually sent with an AP request. I'm sure they don't need you to send them ticket receipts.


    Hi X-Wing,

    Thanks for the response.
    I dont think it asked me for the $80 biometric fee during the E-filing process. Someone else had answered to my quesiton on a different thread as well that I dont have to pay it.
    I will make sure I put in the reasons you suggested for the AP in my documentation. Thanks again.

    Another questions is that since I files EAD and AP concurrently, can I send both the documents in the same packet? ( I am guessing it's ok since the attorneys usually send everything in a single packet , right? )


    10-22 03:50 PM
    Cheques cashed on Friday got all receipts number today.

    July 17th no receipt yet

    Just chill

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