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  • kaskar
    06-19 01:27 PM
    any members planning consular processing in delhi ???
    please respond

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  • ivjobs
    11-07 10:31 AM
    A table has been created in the IV Entrepreneurs yahoo group to
    facilitate a repository for you to add Help wanted /Offered information.

    We all pretty well know that having one's contact information would be
    of no use unless we see some beneficial activities. Towards this end
    in the Help wanted /offered information table we have created 3
    specific fields where you can enter your past/present/future ventures,
    your areas of expertise in which you can be help to others and the 3rd
    field to enter the areas of help you are looking for.

    You dont need to be a master in a domain to be of help. Just a piece
    of advise is good enough. Also there is nothing like a silly question
    so one can ask for any kind of help.

    This obviously helps identify individuals who can be of specific help
    in specific areas of interest.

    So please go ahead and enter the information that you feel comfortable
    entering. There is no compulsion for any one to input the data but we
    would strongly encourage to do so just to help each other. After all
    that is the purpose of this group.

    Here is the link for the IV Startups Help Wanted / Offered

    To join the IV Startup group, please visit the following site:

    IV Startup Group

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  • Dhundhun
    11-21 09:19 PM
    You give all of them (stapled together preferably). Make copies of all of them and keep for future.

    Maverick1, Thanks for correction.

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    10-29 06:21 AM
    Is this an inside joke? I'm missing the part where anybody said anything about using tables on buttons.

    Someone had a sigature that said something like, "you don't use tables to make houses so why make websites out of them" and it kicked off from there. but they have changed it now.


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  • aarbi
    08-01 11:15 PM
    nope... I have my receipt notice that has June 11th on it, but the only system says July 3rd, which is the day they sent my notice :)

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  • RedHat
    08-30 12:26 PM
    My PD is 2002 Aug


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  • dpuranik
    07-25 12:04 PM
    Anybody knows how USCIS will process un signed I-140 Petition? I filed for Labor substituion and I-140. I forgot to sign the I-140 petition.

    May I know the implications of this? What all are the possibilities ? Will they reject the application?

    I140 is filed by your Employer and you don't need to sign it. Your Employer has to sign I140.

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  • sobers
    07-26 11:38 AM
    Team IV:

    A number of immigration provisions are being attached to the must pass Iraq Spending Bill. Is it possible to explore attaching the SKIL Bill or atleast one or two temporary relief measures (like I-485 filing)?

    If it requires additional funds, I think members will contribute in no time. What do you say guys? Senators are helping out illegal and low skilled workers, isn't it time to give some relief to LEGAL, HIGH SKILLED workers?


    Washington - Senate Democrats and Republicans reached a deal Friday on how to handle immigration issues attached to a measure paying for U.S. operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

    The immigration measures spilled into the Senate's debate on an $80.6 billion military spending bill after the House included measures in its version to deny driver's licenses to illegal immigrants and make it harder for foreigners to stay in the U.S. on claims of asylum.

    Under the deal, the Senate will vote Tuesday on three immigration measures. Each would require 60 votes to survive, including one sponsored by Sen. Barbara Mikulski, D-Md., that would give temporary visas to migrant crab pickers and oyster shuckers in time for Maryland's seafood season.

    Another, by Sen. Larry Craig, R-Idaho, would provide workers for the agricultural industry. It has support from growers and farmworker advocates, but it faces opposition for providing legal status to some workers.

    Sen. Saxby Chambliss, R-Ga., said he opposes using the military spending bill to address immigration, but he is proposing an alternative to Craig's measure. Co-sponsored by Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz, it doesn't include the legal residency provision.

    "While reforms are needed to provide a legal way to meet our agricultural labor needs, we must also remove incentives for illegal immigration and put stricter provisions in place for seasonal workers coming across our borders,' Chambliss said.

    The White House, Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., and other Republicans had pleaded with senators to keep immigration off the spending bill and address the issue later. Democrats refused, saying it was because Frist wouldn't commit to opposing the immigration provisions in the House version when negotiators try to blend the two.

    Mikulski defended her measure to provide Maryland seafood processors and other businesses with more seasonal workers hired through the H2B temporary-visa program, saying "the cat was already out of the bag on immigration.' Businesses are limited to 66,000 H2B workers a year, and that ceiling was reached Jan. 3.

    The House's Iraq spending bill includes the immigration measures that its Judiciary Committee chairman, Rep. James Sensenbrenner, R-Wis., wanted in the intelligence reorganization bill President Bush signed in December. Sensenbrenner withdrew the provisions back then after House and Senate leaders promised he could attach them to the first major legislation likely to reach Bush's desk.

    They are almost universally opposed by Senate Democrats but also by state motor-vehicle commissioners, some GOP senators and religious groups that say people fleeing persecution would be harmed.


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  • andycool
    08-28 06:49 AM
    Any one get refund from USCIS ??
    I sent EAD application on 05/01,was approved on 06/14 and never received to my address,called after 30 days of receiving email,they said card lost in the mail and they suggested to apply replacement card.I applied for replacement card,approved and also received last week and since monday receiving emails saying card production ordered on old one which was mentioned as lost in the email.I just spoke to USCIS representative,he suggested to send a letter to TSC for refund request.

    any one sent letter for refund before ? do we have any form for refund ?
    How this will work out ?

    I dont think USCIS will issue refund ....

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  • FredG
    August 8th, 2005, 12:15 PM
    I love that shot! Wonder how a flock of small birds passing by (not overhead) would look with their erratic flight paths?


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  • willigetagc
    08-11 10:24 PM
    Hi Guys,

    I am in a similar position, I have applied for my I-485 last july and PD is Jan 2007, I haven't got any RFE yet but reading all the posts I think I might get one for BC. My BC has 20th August as date of birth but from my school certificate,PP, DL all have 17th August date and I have send an affidavit with I-485 from my parents that I was born on 17th August. But Now when I read all the forums I think I should have send the affidavit which should have said that 20th was right but I did not know that uscis gives more importance to BC date instead of dates on other documents.

    Does somebody know what uscis might do? Should I support 17th or 20th date now? and if 20th then is it possible date on school certificate, DL can be changed? I finished my 10th in 1990 and CBSE board. but on CBSE website they say they can change the DOB but only if I had finished 10th in the last two years.

    Can somebody please suggest what to do since I can be ready if i get RFE.

    Thanks in advance.

    Hope you didn't submit the BC. If you did, ASK YOUR LAWYERS if there is a problem and a way out...

    You obviously cannot correct all other docs. So, you might have to get another affidavit from your parents that specifically states that your birth was registered incorrectly (it could happen if you were born at home and not a hospital or so they could claim)....

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  • minimalist
    10-18 11:55 AM
    Based on information I gathered,we need to have original 485 filing receipt to be able to use EAD for extending drivers licence. One question I would like to explore is has any one had success requesting a 485 receipt from USCIS?.I researched on the topic and called USCIS also and the answer I found is that USCIS will not reissue 485 receipt notice.I would like to see if any IVians have a different experience.


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  • jagan13
    02-23 01:49 PM
    I have sent an email to the Embassy today, enquiring about the status of my application and finally, for the very first time, received a response saying it will be checked into. I hope to hear that they have already mailed it out.

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  • james_bond_007
    05-01 07:25 PM
    Since the stamped visa is valid till Sep 2009, you can travel without stamping the new visa. BUT it is extremely important that you show the approved H1B notice (I-797) at the port of entry. This will make sure your I-94 will be valid till 2011. You will have issues with H1B stamping / renewal if the I-94 dates are incorrect. One of my friend went thru the same situation and he has to correct the I-94 dates by going to a local immigration office.


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  • Desertfox
    10-30 10:04 PM
    Lawyer? So, You don't believe what was posted on USIS website?

    I find it wise to pay my lawyer to find the correct information for me.... be it from USCIS website or from her professional knowledge base. Believe it or not, I trust a qualified professional more than myself when it comes to a subject outside of my expertise...:D

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  • breddy2000
    12-16 12:22 PM
    A freind of mine had two years EAD and don't have H1 anymore. His drivers License was denied as EAD is not considered a valid document for drivers License extention.
    This happened in Wayne , NJ.
    I too will be going for the renewal soon. Did anyone else faced similar situtation. If yes, how did they resolve?

    It quiet common that each office follows different rules.

    No harm in trying at different offices. As someone suggested take the printout of the valid identification cards and you should be all set.


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  • India_USA
    04-30 09:13 AM
    C-SPAN Video Player - Senate Majority Leader Reid & Democratic Members on Immigration Reform ( Immigration+Reform.aspx)

    Something is happening ...........

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  • lj_rr
    08-24 01:13 PM
    Anyone found a solution for this yet?

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  • smads
    03-07 10:42 AM
    sorry guyz have still been trying to find out what needs to be done....

    i was on a vacation and boarded from was a unique situation....when i left my PP was valid for 7 months when i came back it was valid for 5 months....

    I renewed my PP on time but never did anything about my I-94.

    I did a lot of research and have some updates for everyone.
    1) My lawyer says we file for a petition that typically asks for forgiveness so that i dont get a 3 yr bar. dont know what that petition is called but it translates as "now for then". [can only be prepared by a lawyer and would cost me $1000]

    2)I spoke to an immigration officer and he said it is a very common mistake and most of the times they just question the person and let them go. he said not to worry abt the 3 yr bar. he also said that the 3 yr and 10yr bar is more for the tourist visas where people actually think they have a 10yr visa so they can stay here for 10 yrs.
    And yes like watzgc he also said file for extention I-539 i think.[costs only $300, anyone can fill it out and send it to USCIS]

    now lets see if my lawyer will go with what she thinks is right or will she go with what the immigration officer thinks needs to be done.

    I also think that these lawyers try to scare us and get all fancy things done so that they can charge as much as they feel like.

    thanks for being so prompt and sorry for not replying sooner,

    09-14 02:12 PM
    If you feel IV is our only hope/interpreter, then lets fuel it.
    We all know IV needs funds to operate and to drive our concerns.
    I propose $100K raffle every month, result will be announced on the VB day, if VB brings bad news atleast our raffle may get a good one! :D
    each ticket may be sold for $10 ,
    $10 x 20,000 tickets = 200k
    100k for IV , 100k can be split to top 10 winners.

    Please take your poll above.

    Experts can add suggestions to help it construct.

    There are less than 1000 replies in the I-485 voting thread and no money is do you plan to sell 20K tickets to only a few "active" members?

    09-23 02:29 PM
    If she has valid H4 stamping go to Canada and comeback. She can apply as H4. Even illegals are going to schools without any issues. If you stay legally you have to go through all these issues. Which University is this?

    Reacent Post


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