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  • thesmileman
    Apr 30, 02:23 PM
    More and more.

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  • mnkeybsness
    Aug 19, 08:19 AM
    You should learn how to use PHP to feed information from a language file instead, like the method I used on Too Cool For IE (

    If you feel that something is bad, then as a web designer, you need to stand up to those above you and explain why it is bad and convince them of a better way to do something. They will respect you more if you start contributing ideas and things that will work better than if you just do what they say and never give any input at all.

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  • Charming Vermeil Rose Gold

  • weisjt
    Apr 10, 06:48 AM
    i cant wait to see how the silicon will help with reception issues.

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  • Jazzatola
    Jun 16, 10:06 AM
    What time do they open?


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  • ECUpirate44
    May 2, 01:01 PM
    hi people all time i use windows pc today i buy mi first macbook pro late 2010 model how i unistall programs thats sound noob but its mi first time using a mac:D

    Drag the .app to the trash. Don't use cleanmymac, appzapper, appcleaner or any crap like that.

    rose gold link necklace. YELLOW GOLD, PLATINUM, ROSE

  • Daedalus256
    Dec 16, 12:04 PM
    has a deal been reached about the powerbook g3

    not yet but I havent talked to macgenius yet either.


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  • Ippolita 18K Yellow Gold Link

  • MacRumorUser
    Mar 21, 06:02 PM
    Is this the one by Hudson too? They don't normally develop poo.

    Seem's like poo was on a 2 for 1 sale :o

    I didn't care about the games graphics, after all pilotwings wasn't WOW it was the gameplay that made it excellent. Nintendo dissapointed me with no PW game for the cube, when I first saw this game it rekindled my PW hopes, hence I'm dissapointed.

    Added to the fact that the launch schedule for Europe is looking like utter ***** on the wii. We dont even get trauma centre until the end of July now. :rolleyes:

    If the release schedule has little appeal for someone like me who buys a shedload of games - for some of the more judicious choosing types - it's practically non existant....

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  • Cartier #39;Peace Dove#39; Charm Link Necklace in Rose Gold Plated - Necklaces -

  • NathanMuir
    Apr 20, 07:31 PM
    too much Mary Jane huh?

    Or not enough in your situation it would appear. ;)


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  • 14K Rose Gold Anchor Pendant

  • Apple 26.2
    Feb 12, 04:33 AM
    Everyone else going to bed is happy because they're laughing at you.

    Or waking up and laughing! Classic...

    Was it a full moon or something?

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  • Bar amp; Bead Link Sterling

  • el greenerino
    Dec 20, 02:45 PM
    Well if you get a negative and slide scanner and decide ou don't need it anymore, drop me a PM ;)


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  • emw
    Mar 9, 03:21 PM
    Have you tested with 4.3 to see if it works with the update? I'd be interested, since I might actually buy the connector if it does.

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  • Oval Link Necklaces, $20000

  • Torster
    Apr 21, 01:34 AM
    The new Final Cut Pro X will take full advantage of all cores and as much RAM as you can throw at it.

    Its fully optimized for OpenCL, Grand Central Dispatch, and is native 64-bit. Pair a 12-core with 64 GB of RAM and a wicked OpenCL-compatible graphics card and you'll have a monster FCP machine.


    rose gold link necklace. ROSE GOLD

  • compuwar
    Mar 21, 12:44 PM
    I do have a lens coat on my 400mm, and the greatest benefit for me is that it keeps my hands warmer in our cold Canadian winter since I'm not holding onto bare metal.

    Down here, we have these things called gloves... :D

    On a serious note, I find that the pre-shaped neoprene Kayaker's gloves work well, as well as everything else you might need to touch in the winter- I can operate my camera gear without removing them and shove them into a pair of mittens while I'm waiting around.


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  • An antique gold muff chain,

  • obeygiant
    Aug 3, 09:05 AM
    The solar fireworks at the weekend were recorded by several satellites, including Nasa’s new Solar Dynamics Observatory which watched its shock wave rippling outwards.

    Astronomers from all over the world witnessed the huge flare above a giant sunspot the size of the Earth, which they linked to an even larger eruption across the surface of Sun.

    The explosion, called a coronal mass ejection, was aimed directly towards Earth, which then sent a “solar tsunami” racing 93 million miles across space.

    Images from the SDO hint at a shock wave travelling from the flare into space, the New Scientist reported.
    Experts said the wave of supercharged gas will likely reach the Earth on Tuesday, when it will buffet the natural magnetic shield protecting Earth.

    It is likely to spark spectacular displays of the aurora or northern and southern lights.
    "This eruption is directed right at us," said Leon Golub, of the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA).
    "It's the first major Earth-directed eruption in quite some time."

    Scientists have warned that a really big solar eruption could destroy satellites and wreck power and communications grids around the globe if it happened today.

    Nasa recently warned that Britain could face widespread power blackouts and be left without critical communication signals for long periods of time, after the earth is hit by a once-in-a-generation “space storm”.
    The Daily Telegraph disclosed in June that senior space agency scientists believed the Earth will be hit with unprecedented levels of magnetic energy from solar flares after the Sun wakes “from a deep slumber” sometime around 2013.

    It remains unclear, however, how much damage this latest eruption will cause the world’s communication tools.
    Dr Lucie Green, of the Mullard Space Science Laboratory, Surrey, followed the flare-ups using Japan's orbiting Hinode telescope.

    "What wonderful fireworks the Sun has been producing,” the UK solar expert said.
    “This was a very rare event – not one, but two almost simultaneous eruptions from different locations on the sun were launched toward the Earth.

    "These eruptions occur when immense magnetic structures in the solar atmosphere lose their stability and can no longer be held down by the Sun's huge gravitational pull. Just like a coiled spring suddenly being released, they erupt into space.”

    She added: "It looks like the first eruption was so large that it changed the magnetic fields throughout half the Sun's visible atmosphere and provided the right conditions for the second eruption.
    "Both eruptions could be Earth-directed but may be travelling at different speeds.

    “This means we have a very good chance of seeing major and prolonged effects, such as the northern lights at low latitudes."link (

    Watch for the Aurora Borealis tonight if you have clear skies!


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  • 14k Rose Gold Chains - 18quot;

  • el greenerino
    Dec 20, 05:59 AM
    You could probably take what you need scanned to a service bereau, they'd probably do a better job than anything the average home user would. Just make sure they're reputable and use equipment that's better han what they use at walgreens :p

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  • Dainty 14k Rose Gold Box Link

  • Jaffa Cake
    Oct 30, 02:37 PM
    He's a low-quality picture of our pumpkin, carved this very afternoon. His name is Fergus, and one day he will be our king. :)



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  • ErikCLDR
    Oct 20, 11:45 AM
    Maybe I'll go, I am not sure though, depends what I am doing.

    And West Farms technically is in Farmington, not West Hartford. I know it gets confusing- West Hartford, Farmington, and New Britain. Kinda like that blur of Simsbury, Canton, and Avon.

    rose gold link necklace. ANTIQUE SILVER amp; ROSE GOLD

  • nickane
    Jan 18, 05:24 AM
    The only logical thing, should anything get released, would be Final Cut Server.

    Other related products are DVD Studio Pro 5, Blu-Ray Drives, Phenomenon (Shake Successor) and Cinema Displays. I do not expect the first three until NAB at the earliest. The Displays maybe at the developers conference.

    Apple would not announce Newton 2 at a Final Cut User Event.

    Altogether accurate except for the fact that FCS wouldn't qualify as much of a secret. If you read the thread on the original appleinsider article, you'd get a hint as to why Jobsy didn't show:

    The organizer of the LAFCPUG Supermeet in question claimed he started this rumor. I'm not sure if he was joking or not.

    Fairly annoying really. In all my years visiting rumour sites, I've never got my hopes up about something only to learn that it was a fabrication by a singular person in the industry I work with some kind of agenda (presumably to increase turnout at his FC Meet). But then, that's the nature of the rumour beast, I guess. Phenomenon, Bluray, DVDSP5 and the ACDs will just all have to wait.

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  • Drop Rose Gold Circle Link

  • iLucas
    Apr 19, 12:52 PM
    Does OWC have reliable ram? Does anyone have experience using it?

    I thought about getting some for my G5. I went the cheap route and bought some PNY ram, which i don't suggest using after having it. It caused my G5 to freeze all the time. I'm sure it caused it. I took the PNY ram out and i've never had a problem since then.

    Feb 24, 07:56 AM
    total 0
    drwxr-xr-x 1 root admin 0 22 Apr 2009 .
    drwxrwxrwt 5 root admin 170 24 Feb 07:50 ..

    Jan 12, 09:00 PM
    AirMac would be more fitting, but MacBook Air will be it's name, if such an item exists.

    Feb 4, 01:21 PM
    Awesome. Thanks a lot. I really appreciate the informed and quick reply.

    May 6, 03:03 PM
    Have any of you tried upgrading (for whatever reason, maybe coming from a 3GS) and been questioned about the unlimited plan? It's still some 14 months away for me but I was just curious what might transpire when I try upgrading and they see I got unlimited data even though I joined AT&T AFTER June.

    They shouldn't care. You have it, so you should be grandfathered in regardless of when you got it

    Sep 19, 01:51 AM
    All my AOL cd's make excellent beer coasters....

    so would my wife's country ones if she'd let me get my hands on 'em. :rolleyes:

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