357 magnum ammo

357 magnum ammo. for accuracy) .357 magnum.
  • for accuracy) .357 magnum.

  • EagerDragon
    Jul 19, 07:20 PM
    All this fear that iPod and MAcs are in a down turn. Apple will blow them away real soon. They don't sleep on their Laurel unless they don't have a choice.

    Wonder what will happen to the stock tomorrow?

    Too bad im broke and could not buy any.

    357 magnum ammo. 357 magnum ammo. 125 Grain 357 Magnum; 125 Grain 357 Magnum. scu. Oct 18, 06:50 PM
  • 357 magnum ammo. 125 Grain 357 Magnum; 125 Grain 357 Magnum. scu. Oct 18, 06:50 PM

  • benjayman2
    Feb 28, 01:57 PM
    First attempt to get everything in one shot.
    http://img141.imageshack.us/img141/6433/img0390ko.jpg (http://img141.imageshack.us/i/img0390ko.jpg/)

    Gave up and started taking pics of parts of our new room.
    http://img651.imageshack.us/img651/3861/img0392y.jpg (http://img651.imageshack.us/i/img0392y.jpg/)

    Digital and Analog entertainment
    http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/4808/img0394m.jpg (http://img193.imageshack.us/i/img0394m.jpg/)

    Second attempt to get everything in one shot.
    http://img87.imageshack.us/img87/9025/img0396ki.jpg (http://img87.imageshack.us/i/img0396ki.jpg/)

    Pic from the window bay.
    http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/1438/img0398p.jpg (http://img84.imageshack.us/i/img0398p.jpg/)

    The only pic that I thought turned out decent.

    Hardware in the sig

    357 magnum ammo. Order this fmj 357 magnum
  • Order this fmj 357 magnum

  • fobfob
    Nov 21, 12:01 AM
    Folks, I'm trying to run FAH on my i7 iMac. I put in "-bigadv -smp 8 -local " into the 'extra parameters' tab of the Settings app. I've got 8 processes going and it all looks good.

    Apart from entering "3446" as the team number, do I need a passkey?

    357 magnum ammo. 357 magnum ammo.
  • 357 magnum ammo.

  • Tmelon
    Apr 9, 11:42 PM
    WOW!!! iCal looks *********g UGLY... I hope they add an option to use a standard gray toolbar area... That seems so unlike apple to do something like that.

    Heh.. What if they give everything that look :). I think I would switch to windows if they did that..

    To be honest I'm starting to like the new look. It gives some variety to the normal old gray windows. I think they'll change it up a little after all of these complaints but I doubt it'll go back to grey.

    357 magnum ammo. 357 magnum ammo. For sale 357 Magnum Ammo. 12 boxes (240 rds)
  • 357 magnum ammo. For sale 357 Magnum Ammo. 12 boxes (240 rds)

  • jettredmont
    Aug 16, 09:15 PM
    Here is a map of the Sirius satellite orbits. You can get a signal pretty far south, at least as far as southern Mexico. But to conserve power, Sirius shuts the power down once the bird goes "below" the equator. XM does have a owership in WorldSpace which does broadcast around the globe through a network of various satellites.


    Very interesting. Wonder why they did a "wobbly" geo-synch, and how their receivers cope with it. I'd guess it's a cost-related thing, but maybe there's an engineering reason for it (certainly does keep at least one bird near-vertical within the US at all times ...) Note that XM is depicted there as a "true" stationary orbit above the equator.

    In any case, still, you're not going to see those satellites from Bombay, no matter how long and hard you look, without a really big mirror ...

    357 magnum ammo. 357 magnum ammo. .357 Magnum .357 Magnum. FarFromSubtle. May 3, 08:09 AM. 4-6 weeks for an SSD upgrade?
  • 357 magnum ammo. .357 Magnum .357 Magnum. FarFromSubtle. May 3, 08:09 AM. 4-6 weeks for an SSD upgrade?

  • ampd
    Aug 7, 07:52 AM
    When apple releases new products are they normally ready to ship that day? Hopefully they won't need to charge my card right away until they ship it at a later date...I have no money but am still gonna buy a new expensive mac pro.... :confused:

    357 magnum ammo. LTD AMMO SALES! : .357 Magnum
  • LTD AMMO SALES! : .357 Magnum

  • foo*
    Nov 24, 11:38 PM
    It's also gonna be the most expensive Mac ever sold and I'm sure they want to give their customers their money's worth while at the same time giving their competition headaches. ;) :D

    Certainly not the most expensive mac ever sold. The 40 Mhz II fx was shipping while the II ci sported an MSRP of over $8,000 at 25Mhz. Cheapest the ci sold for even at developer discount at the end of its amazingly long 4+ year run was over $3,300, and those were late 80's dollars.

    So to my mind, a few grand on a new machine these days is dirt cheap.

    357 magnum ammo. Mixed Box Of 357 Magnum Ammo
  • Mixed Box Of 357 Magnum Ammo

  • Eraserhead
    Jul 18, 06:35 AM
    I dunno, I could work if they streamed it. Even if they did it so you waited 15 minutes so there was loads of streamed data on your computer first (so no awful pauses) I can see myself using it a lot for even �2. You could go round with a laptop (or an iPod with WiFi ;) ) and plug it into a TV and watch a film on it, it would be good.

    357 magnum ammo. 357 magnum ammo. magnum magnum ammunition; magnum magnum ammunition. Mac Fly (film). Jul 30, 10:19 AM. iChat + Address Book for Windows (one app).
  • 357 magnum ammo. magnum magnum ammunition; magnum magnum ammunition. Mac Fly (film). Jul 30, 10:19 AM. iChat + Address Book for Windows (one app).

  • AFPoster
    Mar 22, 12:52 PM
    So Apple should have the choice what they allow and don't allow?

    Yes, it's a company that makes it's own decisions and it's own products. They choose what they will allow and won't allow. If you are a car company you choose to make a mini van or not. Apple chooses what they want, we accept what they give us. If you don't, dont download it or get it, no one is forcing you to have it!

    357 magnum ammo. Remington .357 Magnum Hornady
  • Remington .357 Magnum Hornady

  • TMay
    Apr 19, 10:56 AM
    Please...Please...Please...provide a pro graphics card option (FirePro or Quadro)

    357 magnum ammo. 357 magnum ammo. .357 Magnum Ballistics .357 Magnum Ballistics. aristobrat. Oct 24, 08:02 AM. Any news about the latch/hd?
  • 357 magnum ammo. .357 Magnum Ballistics .357 Magnum Ballistics. aristobrat. Oct 24, 08:02 AM. Any news about the latch/hd?

  • gugy
    Sep 6, 05:53 PM
    Bring It On!

    But hopefully these are a better resolution than the current TV show on Itunes. It should be at least DVD quality, If not these price model will bomb IMHO.

    357 magnum ammo. $184.95, 50rds - 357 Magnum
  • $184.95, 50rds - 357 Magnum

  • richard.mac
    Apr 3, 03:19 AM
    That's because the 'control' button acts like a four-finger gesture. Same applies to ctrl+left arrow and ctrl+right arrow.

    yeah, but for a keyboard ctrl-up to close is how it logically should be.. and i think Apple agreed. the first time i tried it i instinctively pressed ctrl-up again to close.

    anyone know if recent files in a closed app's dock menu are new? thats an awesome feature, like Windows 7's jump lists, which i really like.

    357 magnum ammo. of .357 Magnum ammunition
  • of .357 Magnum ammunition

  • lilcosco08
    Mar 26, 10:31 PM
    that's awfully nice of you.

    Methinks you need yo get your head out of the clouds when it comes to hardcore gaming.

    I'll agree that the future of casual games may be going in this direction, but core gamers will use this to supplement their gaming.

    Come back when you can play gears, modern warfare or Uncharted and have the same or better tactile experience and I'll gladly eat my own words. Until then it's all a pipe dream.

    You need a real dose of reality.

    Not exactly true:

    PS3 games running in 1080p

    Fifa Street 3 = 1920x1080 (no AA)
    Full Auto 2 (demo) = 1920x1080 (4x AA)
    GT5 Prologue (demo) = 1080p mode is 1280x1080 (2xAA) in-game while the garage/pit/showrooms are 1920x1080 with no AA. 720p mode is 1280x720 (4xAA)
    Marvel: Ultimate Alliance = 1280x720 & 1920x1080 (no AA)
    MLB09: The Show = 1280x720 (2xAA) or 1920x1080 (no AA)
    NBA07 (demo) = 1920x1080 (no AA)
    NBA08 (demo) = 1920x1080 (no AA)
    NBA Street Home court (screenshot) = 1920x1080 (no AA
    Ridge Racer 7 (demo) = 1920x1080 (no AA)
    Sacred 2: Fallen Angel = 1280x720 when sub-HD output selected, 1920x1080 for any HD output (no AA)
    Virtua Tennis 3 = 1920x1080 (2x AA)
    World Series Of Poker 2008 = 1920x1080 (2xAA)

    there's probably a few more for the 360 - BUT, IMO resolution isn't the be all and end all of visuals, take the uncharted series, it isn't 1080p, but it's spectacular looking where as Sacred 2 looks like crap.

    If Kinect wasn't the run away success it was, then yeah, I would have expected some announcement this or next e3 for the 360, but it looks like the Wii 2 will probably be announced first.

    The PS3 will probably have some legs actually, as people get more and more used to the developer tools (as they are now) then we'll see more and more impressive titles graphically.

    you make a good point, but to really excel at gaming, you can't have a jack of all trades device - look at the PSP for instance- great wee machine, but it was far too spread, functionality wise to be a great success. For this device to appeal to the core gamer it needs to be designed specifically for core gaming, as it is the now (and there's nothing wrong with it this way) it's for casual gamers or 'pick up for 5 mins' kinda games

    >modern warfare 2

    >hardcore gamer

    OH WOW

    357 magnum ammo. 357 magnum ammo. 357-Ammo-Prices .357 Magnum
  • 357 magnum ammo. 357-Ammo-Prices .357 Magnum

  • Horrortaxi
    Mar 19, 01:39 AM
    What people don't understand is that Apple is dying....
    Everyone is buying IBMs and if Apple doesn't do something then they are dead. I love my Macintoshes but Apple needs market share to grow !

    Apple needs customers, Apple needs to start thinking out of their little 5% market share. The Ipod was a good example but you can't keep on counting on people to buy it. For example, Apple had to make Safari due to Microsoft pulling out of the mac - this is just one example where Apple is starting to make software because companies are leaving the platform.

    We need a cheap Mac to bring in new Customers. Maybe its their first Mac experience.

    This sounds like a conversation straight out of 1990. Apple vs. IBM--come on!

    Apple is not going anywhere anytime soon. Whether their market share is 5%, 2%, or 15% is irrelevant. They make a profit. That will keep them around. Who says you have to oppressively dominate the field to stay in business? Okay, who besides Bill Gates?

    You have the software thing backward. Safari and Final Cut Pro existed (and did dominate on the Mac platform) before Microsoft and Adobe pulled the plugs in thier products.

    We do not need a cheap Mac. One of the things I love about the Mac is that you don't have the option to buy a piece of crap.

    WOMBAT indeed!

    357 magnum ammo. 5.56x45mm, .357 magnum,
  • 5.56x45mm, .357 magnum,

  • skunk
    Mar 20, 07:29 AM
    I actually think having troops is better. It is specifically outside the UN resolution to put troops on the ground.

    357 magnum ammo. .357 Magnum Ammo. BIG GUN
  • .357 Magnum Ammo. BIG GUN

  • shecky
    Oct 23, 08:36 PM
    So you think Santa Rosa will be out in time for MWSF? I thought the release date was to be in the 2nd quarter of 2007.

    correct. santa rosa will not even be released by intel until april 2007 at the earliest, and i would guess not actually in a buyable system until may/june.

    357 magnum ammo. TM 2043-0001-27: Ammo Data
  • TM 2043-0001-27: Ammo Data

  • Built
    Apr 2, 10:08 PM
    Apparently "virtually every" doesn't mean what you think it means.

    Those who don't see the light bleed are simply in denial. It is a known problem affecting this version of the iPad. If you took a few minutes to read the iPad forum, you'd know that.

    357 magnum ammo. 357 magnum ammo. Box of Remington .357 Magnum; Box of Remington .357 Magnum. GeorgeN111. Jan 31, 02:51 PM
  • 357 magnum ammo. Box of Remington .357 Magnum; Box of Remington .357 Magnum. GeorgeN111. Jan 31, 02:51 PM

  • Tomorrow
    Mar 1, 02:36 PM
    I'm not very familiar with the differences between the fuels, other than gasoline is more refined.

    Diesel is no less refined than gasoline - it's a product of the exact same refinement process.

    Different carbon chains are gently boiled off by gradually raising the temperature of the crude. The smaller molecules are the first to burn off. Typically carbon chains 5-8 (pentane through octane) are sold as "gasoline." The next four or so are sold as "kerosene," or jet fuel. After that comes what we call "diesel." Each is as pure as the others, but diesel is made of larger, more complex carbon chains.

    I can see both sides of the diesel engine argument. It's hard to deny that diesel engines are, other things being equal, more fuel-efficient than gasoline engines. The higher compression ratio equals greater power output per gallon and greater torque. In the larger sizes that we usually see in trucks, they seem to last longer than gasoline engines, too. But the damn things are noisy, and the exhaust smells really bad.

    357 magnum ammo. 357 magnum ammo. Mixed lot of .357 Magnum; Mixed lot of .357 Magnum. Keebler. Mar 5, 04:41 PM. Glad to help! Thanks. I sent you a PM.
  • 357 magnum ammo. Mixed lot of .357 Magnum; Mixed lot of .357 Magnum. Keebler. Mar 5, 04:41 PM. Glad to help! Thanks. I sent you a PM.

  • NateEssex
    Sep 27, 10:25 PM
    I just want to confirm that I did send them the $26 donation they asked for from their subscribers. I believe in what they do, even if I disagree with them on this issue (as noted ad naseum in this thread).

    Wow, I think $26 is a bit too high. I would pay $15 max.

    Aug 16, 12:27 PM
    Exactly! Now maybe you see my first point.

    No your missing my first point. Sharing in my mind in this context is the listening but not the distribution of music. Synching is the distribution.

    Hence why i was saying my method would allow you to share your library's but not sync them to more than one pod thus eliminating the piracy factor.

    We are obviously talking about different things

    May 2, 05:03 PM
    We can say this comes from iOS. But remember that iOS got this basic paradigm in slightly more primitive form from the OS X Dashboard, which was introduced in 10.3 (or was it 10.4?).

    Mar 24, 10:59 PM
    I would replace my Hack Pro with a Mac Pro if I had my choices of video cards.

    With dual processors and VM's I'd just run 2 30" screens, one with osX, one with Win7 in a VM.

    This is the biggest deficiency that Apple has.

    Sep 14, 11:13 AM

    Non sequitur.

    Nov 15, 02:14 PM
    So, that means that there's no practical reason Apple couldn't give an 8-core BTO option right away... Say, for around an additional $999? (The 3GHz quad-core model is an additional $799.) For those that need it, the extra $200 would be well worth it. For those that just want the bragging rights, well, I guess they can afford the $200.

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