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  • Dagless
    Jul 25, 05:35 PM
    OooooOOOh my yes! Never played 3rd Strike either. Can't wait!

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  • rwh202
    Mar 4, 09:13 AM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.2.1; en-us; Droid Build/FRG83D) AppleWebKit/533.1 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/533.1)

    We had a huge day yesterday! 879,000 points in a single day!
    Can we hit a million points in a day?
    Some more good news: at this rate, we are a week away from overtaking a team ahead of us, and less than a month from passing two more! Our biggest threat behind us is 8 months away, but by that time we will have passed at least 5 teams ahead of us. Great job guys! Keep it up!

    Yeah, we seem to have reversed the drop. The trend is really obvious if you look at our weekly and monthly charts on extremeoverclocking:

    I've added a second i7 2600k for another 50k PPD and a new quad core MBP is coming tomorrow, but I don't intend to use that for folding long term.
    Also, we've just entered another cold snap here, so the GPUs can run for another week or so!

    Keep it up!

    good morning quotes pictures. Good Morning Quotes for 08-05-. macidiot. Jul 20, 04:36 PM. You are probably nursing those MS shares you bought at $90, hoping for a better day.
  • Good Morning Quotes for 08-05-. macidiot. Jul 20, 04:36 PM. You are probably nursing those MS shares you bought at $90, hoping for a better day.

  • DeusInvictus7
    Dec 1, 01:03 PM
    Marvel pic

    Go Marvel!

    Here's mine:

    good morning quotes pictures. Good Morning Thursday.
  • Good Morning Thursday.

  • Multimedia
    Jul 26, 07:06 PM
    I hope this means we will see HDMI out on the next MacBook Pros. I really want to be able to use my soon-to-be-had MacBook Pro Core2Duo as a media center too. With that said, here's to hoping the new MBPs have HDMI and the ability to output Dolby PLII and at least 1080i. My current 1.25ghz G4 book chokes on 720p so I never hook it up to my plasma HDTV.
    I'm still not convinced that Blu Ray is going to beat out HD-DVD.Man you need EyeTV2 with an EyeTV 500 Digital Broadcast reccorder. You don't need no stinkin HDMI and it plays beautiful 1080p on any 24" Apple or Dell Display from your 1.25GHz G4 without choking at all.


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  • good morning quotes for friends. good morning quotes for; good morning quotes for. macridah. Oct 25, 10:33 PM

  • OneMike
    Apr 4, 10:29 AM
    If anything I'm seeing that this will push resale value of iPhones up.

    Of course it sucks, but I don't upgrade early so unless they increase the non early upgrade costs this won't apply to a lot of us.

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  • snydz
    Jan 12, 09:34 PM
    Not sure if somebody has caught this yet, but there's HD content available already on iTunes this evening (screenshots attached). They're calling it AppleTV HD. It's just some podcasts right now, but I'd consider it a good omen.


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  • Orkut Scraps Good Morning

  • princealfie
    Nov 30, 10:51 AM
    The US branch of HMV didn't survive either.

    Clap clap. Nice...

    Let's hope iTunes will dominate the nation then. :cool:

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  • good morning quotes pictures.

  • NoNothing
    Apr 6, 01:32 PM
    Dead or alive, you're coming with me. :D

    These are serious charges. What is your evidence?


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  • Good Morning Quotes for 27-04-

  • NAG
    Mar 23, 09:51 AM
    Its never a good thing when the guy behind the reason we buy Mac's leaves. :(

    For the user who mentioned that he was behind OS X flaws (you mentioned iTunes bloat) - you are wrong. iTunes isn't run directly by the Mac OS development team, it has its own department. There's probably a little crossover however generally he wouldn't have much input on iTunes.

    It is kind of sad but I'm sure Apple will do okay. And there are a bunch of reasons why I buy Macs. Software is a big part but the design was another (having solidly built hardware is nice). If software was the only reason I'd be using Windows because at this point Windows 7 isn't bad and they frankly have more software for less (the Mac App Store game section compared to Steam is a great example of how little software there is and how we're generally getting ripped isn't just games with this problem either).

    good morning quotes pictures. Good Morning Quotes for 08-05-
  • Good Morning Quotes for 08-05-

  • Keynoteuser
    May 12, 01:08 PM
    I wrote that, so I'm sure I'm the one who misspelled NEW. It should say NEW themes, not NEWS themes. If you get a chance to fix it, you can remove my post too :)


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  • alphaone
    Mar 5, 02:25 AM
    great! from what i hear, you should get a nice overclock on that! let us know how it goes!

    We'll see. I'm hopeful for maybe 4.4. We'll see how enthusiastic the cpu is about doing that.. I'm going to be using a CM Hyper 212+ which isn't the absolute best cooler you can buy but it's also not something ridiculous like $80. Still, it will annihilate the hilariously tiny stock intel cooler for sure.

    Does anyone know if the AMD 6970 is compatible with GPU2? I can't really find any conclusive information on it and of course I can't try it myself yet. Some people say forcing ati_r800 works but others don't.

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  • funny good morning quotes.

  • Unspeaked
    Nov 30, 10:01 AM
    Tower Records doesn't exist anymore.

    My point exactly - something like Napster probably had more than a little to do with this fact...


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  • good morning quotes for friends. k jpg friends morning; k jpg friends morning. dgree03. Apr 21, 09:07 AM. Look Android lovers this is an

  • Kingsnapped
    Aug 16, 04:41 PM
    Nobody gets it.

    .. I guess it was a lame joke anyway.

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  • nice good morning quotes with

  • Socratic
    May 3, 02:58 AM
    The question asked of heterosexuals =/= asked gay and bisexual men. The risk factor for straight people is risky sex, the risk factor asked for gay men is not risky sex, but sex at all - even once. Its not the same thing. If there was no bigotry behind the question it would be raised this way to all, no matter what orientation "have you had unprotected sex with more than one partner in the last 5 years, if yes have you been tested for HIV?"

    I don't buy it for all the reasons previously given. If it was not a medical issue why is it such a common rule across so many western countries? And why does it not apply to gay women?


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  • RebootD
    Mar 31, 02:07 PM
    I will admit being a designer this would be a 'fun' distraction but it's like going from a sketchboard and pencil (mac + wacom tablet) to finger painting.

    Nothing wrong with finger painting but for what I do the precision of the tablet isn't something I can give up.

    good morning quotes pictures. good morning quotes for
  • good morning quotes for

  • scem0
    Sep 25, 03:04 PM
    I am not going to read through the whole thread, but here is my take:

    Even though they might both be legal adults, that does not guarantee maturity of action. If you think your son might do something rash, like have sex w/o a condom, then don't let him go over there. His legal right to make the decision relatively unimportant, I wouldn't let any of my friends have sex w/o a condom and they are all 18+. Stop him from doing something rash because you love him. But if he has shown himself to be trustworthy and responsible, then by all means reward him by giving him some freedom.

    My mother acted as though she trusted me, but she didn't give me any privileges, which was a source of great annoyance while in high school. My mother was way too protective of me. I never made a significantly bad decision the 4 years I was in high school. I never got drunk and wrecked the car, I never got in any fights, and I never tried to get out of my responsibilities. Yet, despite all of this, I still had a curfew, I still wasn't allowed to be on the computer after 12:00. Had I been given these privileges would I have abused them? Of course not... I'm smarter than that.

    If your son has earned your trust, then show it by giving him privileges. His age is irrelevant.



    good morning quotes pictures. Good Morning Quotes for 09-05-
  • Good Morning Quotes for 09-05-

  • 666sheep
    Apr 10, 03:14 AM
    should have searched first! Seems you need a PC to flash the card. I've only got 3 macs so thats out. I'll have to buy a pre flashed card if I want improvements

    You didn't search deep enough ;) ATI cards can be flashed on a Mac using VNC and Graphicaccelerator. It's easy. Search for "flashing 9800 using VNC" on for details.

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  • good morning quotes. funny

  • skunk
    Mar 29, 07:42 AM
    You do realise it's a piss-take, don't you? An amusing one, though. :)

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  • funny good morning quotes.

  • whatever
    Nov 20, 02:15 PM
    Wow, that is one nasty Danish mockup. I hope it won't look like that.:eek:

    Here's actually a nice touchscreen iPhone mockup:
    I've been in many debates with people about the iPhone and I've always been on the side that Apple just shouldn't do one. Everyone always says that it would sell like hot-cakes because it would be an Apple phone, but my stance has always been that it would have to run on a particular carrier.

    But lately I've been thinking about this and what if Apple bucked the system a little. They made a phone which connected directly to your computer and you downloaded the correct carrier setting to. So if you used Verizon, all you had to do is in setup select Verizon or Sprint....

    I feel that one of the big problems with mobile phones is the computer connectivity has always been an afterthought, mainly because they're not computer companies. But what if Apple created a new iApp which managed the phone (ran on both Windows and OS X), which made the connectivity easy. This is basically what happened with the iPod.

    Would the carriers care that a generic iPhone ran on their network, maybe the stupid ones, but in the long they're lives would be easier, because they wouldn't have to market the phones, just their service (which is where they really make their money).

    I also like the idea of using the click wheel to make a retro style digital-rotary phone. However, I doubt Apple would just display the numbers on the screen and not on the unit. So when in dial mode, you would spin the click wheel and the numbers, displayed on the display in a circle, would highlight the number that you were on and then click the center button on the click wheel to select. If you wanted to get really old school, you could have the rotary sounds come through the headphones. Or course you would still be able to dial by your address book or search through a downloaded version of the white or yellow pages (which would naturally sync into your phone whenever you charge it at home, via blue tooth or direct connection to your computer).

    Dec 2, 04:06 AM
    Wasn't ur previous wallpaper the cover of "Bad"?
    Do u mind sharing the wallpaper please. I'm also a huge MJ fan. Thank in advance!

    Haha someone actually remembers me! (*feels loved*:o) but the wallpaper is 1280x800 since I could only find a album cover the size of around 1400pixels.

    I've included that too if your monitor isn't 16:10 or something (The cover art is 1425, if you stretch it to 1440 it shouldn't look that much worse at all).

    Enjoy! I'm really looking forward to the new album! :)

    Mar 20, 07:49 PM
    I'm not trying to be picky, but I thought you might be interested to know that the death penalty was suspended in 1965, abolished for murder in 1969 and abolished totally in 1998. However, the last execution was in 1964.

    Not sure where you got that from, I think you may be projecting? Did you know every Parliament from 1965 to 1997 had a free vote on capital punishment and always voted against it? If there was a public referendum I think it would be pretty close. However, the UK can't reintroduce the death penalty without withdrawing from the EU and the Human Rights Convention, so no Government would risk a vote on something that isn't a massive public issue.

    Nov 30, 10:28 AM
    My point exactly - something like Napster probably had more than a little to do with this fact...

    Not really, Tower Records wasn't working because they didn't move online with their catalogue quickly enough. The commercial real estate is getting way overpriced.

    Else why is Virgin Megastore and HMV still around?

    Apr 29, 11:55 AM
    Let's say there's a particular app with stored changes, for example a game that remembers which levels I've completed, but doesn't offer anything to "reset" all this. How can I force it be as it was when I downloaded it for the first time, with no memory of any changes?

    Jan 16, 10:48 PM
    Indeed a good price , thanks for the heads up :D

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